Sunday, December 1, 2013


I am a very delinquent blogger here. apologies. i have been traveling and not cooking, resuming my hospital cafeteria salad diet so there haven't been a lot of new recipes to share. there is something i am about to try, and one thing i have been recently exposed to while traveling--brussel sprouts.

I have a feeling that will get a very mixed reaction from y'all but hear me out--i feel that sprouts have gotten a bad reputation. They are actually quite delicious when cooked properly and also very nutritious! Wikipedia tells me "They contain good amounts of vitamin Avitamin Cfolic acid and dietary fibre. Moreover, they are believed to protect against colon cancer, because they contain sinigrin.Thomas Jefferson himself grew them at Monticello. With a recommendation like that...

Cut the sprouts in half. Get a frying pan good and hot and add oil and brussel sprouts flat side down. Let them brown nicely on that side. Shake them around and good a while longer. If they need to, you can ad a tiny bit of water, put the lid on until they are eating consistency. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, thyme if you like. 

They really do need to be browned and crispy otherwise they're just soggy cabbage.

I challenge those of you who have never tried Brussel sprouts and have avoided them based on reputation to try them. Maybe you'll change your tune.

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