Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happy new year!

When I worked at Barnes and Noble, there was always a new display for New Year's called "New Year, New You." It was inevitably filled with self-help and dieting books, but I've always found the display title appropriate. Not that we should all have a "new us" every year, but it's a time to take stock and see what we can do better. I hope that's what most adults feel like in the new year.

That's certainly how I feel about the new year. I was thinking back last night on the past year. A lot happened in my personal life certainly; and some months were far more busy and filled with events than others. There are discrete events that I will remember for 2012 (halfway through school marked with a big test, California trip with some lovely friends, car accident ON moving day--and oh hey, that was ALL in June!) but there is a rather obvious overarching theme for me for 2012: massive diet changes.

January 4th is the first day I went completely allergen free. Three days later, I had enough energy to go to the gym for the first time in awhile and I remember Danielle commenting that I even looked better. I soon made the decision to go completely pescetarian (though there were times when I broke that rule!). I was frustrated enough to throw food across my kitchen--an enjoyable though thankless task because I still had to clean it up. It was soon my first birthday with a cake; my birthday also marked the beginning of the I-get-to-pick-the-restaurant era. No longer are my friends unable to decide to go where to go, "oh, you pick" doesn't happen because I get to pick. That was also a hallmark of this past year--every time I went to lunch/dinner/drinks with old friends, having to explain why no, I don't want to share that appetizer. Travelling was a big eye opener--be it cross country or simply a day trip. I tried foods this year that I've never tried before and some of them were terrible decisions and others have become staples in my new diet. The year culminated recently with my first vegetarian Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was delighted to find soy milk that was egg-free Egg Nog (it is also healthier than regular egg nog!).

Either way, I was thinking about resolutions for 2013. Things I want to do more of this year. So what else did I turn to? My food choices. I decided I want to try to cook more this year--I did a good job early last year of searching out new recipes and adding them to my weekly lunch/dinner schedule to replace all the things I took out, but I've really settled into that and haven't added anything new in for awhile. I also want to try to experiment with more flavors. I don't want to feel boxed in by what recipes say or what is the 'usual' flavor combinations...maybe it's all the different cooking shows that makes this more acceptable, but I want to try to combine different things and see how that goes.

And of course...it would be nice to lose weight/be in better shape. and find love. and all those other "New Year, New You" themes...but doesn't that go without saying?

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