Happy Groundhog Day everyone! It's supposed to be in the mid-sixties here today, so I'm really doubting the whole six more weeks of winter prediction, but who knows. :) I also started off my day with chocolate chip pancakes, so all is well in my world.
So I remember the days pre-allergy when I would blithely troop around the grocery store and generally buy the same things for the same meals. Occasionally I would venture forth and buy something new or interesting, but I'd settled into specific habits. As, I've reason to believe, most people shop. By necessity, I now have two methods of grocery shopping: the in and out, refuse to look at anything because I can't eat it, or the leisurely scouring of shelves looking for new things to try. Thus the mango lemonade that I had with my chocolate chip pancakes today.
I've encountered that few people have exploring the Pillsbury dough section. You know, the ones that come in tubes and you get to pop them open. First off, I love them because they have no yeast in them! I can easily come home and have biscuits--wheat, corn, honey butter (which is awesome), and the new blueberry ones (although I don't eat those because I can't have blueberries, but they're still new!). That's in addition to the classic homestyle and buttermilk ones. That's a fabulous selection right there, and let's not forget their utility in making casseroles and whatnot.
Pillsbury has also branched out in the cinnamon rolls land, and recently added some orange rolls for breakfast and I think another one but I don't remember those because I can't eat them. They also have tubs of gluten free dough to use. This is an oft-ignored section in the store and it's so useful I can't imagine why everyone is ignoring it (although, this is the most frequent part of the store where men hit on me...)
The whole point of this is there is a somewhat new creation which is the seamless dough sheet. It's basically the croissant dough without the seams to separate them and roll into croissants. The utility is endless!
First off, they make hot pockets with whatever entity you want inside. For example, I spread ranch dressing on it, sprinkle cheese and fake bacon liberally on it, roll it up, cut it in half, and cook for 20 minutes or so at 350. Easy and delicious.
It also works for desserts. While I don't recommend using actually fruits like cherry, you could pick up some pie filling or even just preserves, slice them into pinwheels, cook for maybe 12 minutes at 350 and then glaze them. Voila, appetizers for your parties!
I'm sure I could come up with a lot of other uses for these, but you get the idea. In an era where we could all benefit from more home cooked meals that are healthier for us, don't forget the utility of the Pillsbury doughs.
Also, there are frequently Kroger coupons for them. Another advantage. :)
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