Sunday, March 4, 2012

Getting started

So most people start off a new year resolutions to be better people, to lose weight, to fall in love, to...whatever.  I started off the year 2012 with a new diagnosis of food allergies and a list of things I needed to do about them. I giggled a little thinking of all the people changing their diet, going to the gym more--I was in the same boat for an entirely different reason.

In the last few months, I've realized that I'm pretty much walking this path alone; not as in I have no support, because I definitely do, but as in I haven't come across any with my array of allergies who can commiserate and help with find my way. In that spirit, that's what I'm doing here. Yes, I started a blog because some of my friends suggested it and it might be interesting to document and share what's going on, but I think also that maybe someone stumbles across this may also be going through this too.

Over the next few posts I'll try to detail what got me here and then I'll start in on the process I've been going through since the new year. Comments and questions are encouraged, and know I can expound on just about any topic. :)

Here goes my attempts at this!

Might you be interested in the list of allergens I have to avoid, to ponder until I get to writing the next post? Obviously, almonds and yeast, providing the A-Z theory on which I've based the name of this blog. Here's the complete list, grouped in 'food groups' that make them easier for me to remember: beef, chicken, eggs, apples, oranges, strawberries, white grapes, almonds, malt, oats, rice, yeast, cinnamon, sesame seed, navy beans, oysters, and codfish.

Read some food labels and think on that for a bit.

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